Spirit triumphant !

Flame through the weakness

of faint-hearted souls.

Consume their self-seeking,

ignite their compassion,

that selfless desire,

the stream through mankind,

may live as wellspring

of spirit reborn.
My name is Maria. An 'other world' where everything is 'conscience': as a child I knew this existed. A world where everything is 'known', even my deepest thoughts. I felt driven to learn more about it. Questions arose like 'what am I doing here and why am I living?'. I wanted to discover the deeper meaning of my life. This search was sparked around my thirties. I read a book about Rudolf Steiner and the deeper meaning of karma and reincarnation touched me deeply. I felt and knew that I had always known this. In 2011 I started painting again, here 'Creation' was a subject. Circles and hierarchical creatures formed on my canvas. A friend who is intuitively gifted could make the work meaningful to me. Through this process of painting I have been able to follow my inner voice, the purpose of my work is to touch people on this inner piece that lives hidden in every person. When looking for text with the images I was even more impressed by the work of Rudolf Steiner. How I feel? Touched by this wisdom that is available to us as an 'answer to the future'. I like to sell my work because I like to share this with many other people.
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